Dr. Albert Reservation Request

Dr. Albert Conference Hall Reservation Request

Please use this form to submit a request to reserve the Dr. Albert Conference Hall.

Check the box if you are a 501(c)3
Payment: The rental fee is $300 per day or $150 per half day. 48-hour advance notice is required for cancellations to avoid rental charges. Additional cleaning charges will be applied if necessary.
Room set up: The room comes with an overhead projector, Neat Bar and Neat Pad for Zoom meetings, 2 Smart Touch Screen TVs (mounted), Neat Board on a cart, and an HDMI cable (located on the wall next to the Neat Pad.
Check below if you need:
Please note that Iḷisaġvik College functions and classes have priority over outside requests. For questions please contact the main number at 907-852-3333.
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